Groundswell UK
I’ve just returned from Groundswell Agriculture Festival in the UK.
Its mission is about agriculture producing food in a way that is good for the planet and people.
Reducing inputs, respecting biodiversity, treating animals and people with care.
And because we all eat, we all make choices multiple times a day about the food that is grown.
When you shop around the outside of the supermarket, you are eating whole foods.
Fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, dairy.
Food our grandparents ate.
Once you steer your trolley down the middle aisles you meet processed foods. And ultra processed foods. Foods that come in shiny packets that look nothing like their origins.
Processed foods affect us and the planet in ways that are making us both sick. So sick that this generation are expected to live shorter, sicker lives than those before us.
Obesity, auto immune diseases, cancers.
Health problems of the modern ages.
Every day you choose what you put in and on your body.
It doesn’t just affect you, it affects all of us.
*** Thank you to Ooooby for inviting me to attend.
